Rest in Peace, Walter Excellence Williams

The “E” stands for “Excellence”, Walter E. (Edward) Williams would sometimes say about his middle initial, and, judging by his accomplishments, he was right.

Born in 1936 to a devoted and determined single mother, Walter overcame adversity to become a leading economist, scholar, political philosopher and defender of truth and reason. He passed away on December 2nd, 2020.

Walter achieved many things in his lifetime. He was a true champion of liberty, particularly of economic freedom, and was an outspoken and unapologetic critic of government policies harmful to minorities, and of false narratives blaming whites for the problems in minority communities.

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Trump vs Biden: Who’s the real racist?

The epithet of “racist” is used as a powerful political weapon by the Democrats and their allies to smear conservatives. I have yet to see any evidence of their claims of racism by Donald Trump, or by any other conservatives that they target. Nobody I have challenged to provide evidence of their supposed racism has ever produced any. Meanwhile, I have seen evidence of racism by Joe Biden and by other Democrats and their supporters, evidence that is hypocritically ignored, all in the name of partisan politics.

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Nothing to see here, it’s just Colorism

You would really have a hard time making this stuff up, never mind getting someone to believe it. But it’s true.

The University of Florida’s Anthropology department recently sponsored a town hall they specifically told white students not to attend. It was just for so-called “BIPOC” students, meaning students who are black, indigenous, or “people of color”. Here is part of the text from an email sent to all students who were enrolled in an anthropology course:

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