The Sound of Guilt

My family and I recently went to the movie theatre and watched the surprise hit movie Sound of Freedom.

What did I think of it? Entertaining and disturbing. Those are two words that Sound of Freedom call to mind.

Another word that now comes to mind is QAnon.

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Kyrie’s Uneven Playing Field

For months of this NBA season Kyrie Irving missed all home games and some away games due to his principled and impressive stand against being forced to be injected with an experimental and, for most people, completely unnecessary innoculation.

Kryie’s stand won a tremendous amount of respect from me and from many others.

But On March 24th, that changed.

The President and The Freedom Fighter

Abraham Lincoln has long been my favorite president. I love his humble frontier upbringing. His self-taught erudition. His humility and humor. Above all, I love his evolution from apologist to abolitionist.

A big factor influencing that elevation was Lincoln’s relationship with former slave and fervent abolitionist Frederick Douglass.

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Libertad and Justice for Cubans

On July 11, 2021, thousands of subjugated Cubans courageously took to the streets to protest the deplorable social and economic conditions imposed upon them by their maleficent masters, the Communist overlords who rule their impoverished nation.

“Libertad” was their rallying cry. And what was the official response of the nation that pledges to stand for “liberty and justice for all?”

The Biden administration despicably spun the protests as simply people upset about Covid and and a lack of access to vaccines.

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I Grew Up in Chavez’s Socialist Venezuela. Here’s What I Think About the Current Crisis.

By Ricardo Pica, excerpted from The Daily Signal

Venezuela’s air is thick with tear gas and its streets are stained with the blood of its youth.

The South American nation has been reduced to a battlefield as government forces brutally pummel protestors. For the past 50 days, Venezuelans throughout the country have taken to the streets in anti-government uprisings.

With approval ratings in the teens, the socialist and criminal regime of President Nicolas Maduro appears to be on its last legs.

Hundreds of thousands of protestors continue pouring into the streets, demanding an end to the corruption that has bankrupted the world’s most oil-rich nation.

Maduro has predictably responded to this pressure with more violence….

Over 20 years ago, under the banner of socialism and its endless list of impossible promises, demagogues hijacked Venezuela’s government, dismantled civil society, and crippled the national economy.

Led by Maduro’s deceased predecessor, Hugo Chavez, the socialists implemented measures that crippled the private sector and triggered massive capital flights and brain drains.

Growing up in Chavez’s Venezuela is the defining experience of my life. The country was collapsing and no one seemed to be able to stop it. The opposition was persecuted, journalists were silenced, peaceful protesters were murdered, and crime was rampant….

History has repeatedly shown socialism to be a corrupt and destructive force, and there is no better example of this than in today’s Venezuela.

Read the full article on The Daily Signal.


The Need for a Mighty U.S. Military

Excerpted from an Op-ed by Mitt Romney, published 9/4/2014 by The Washington Post

Russia invades, China bullies, Iran spins centrifuges, the Islamic State (a terrorist threat “beyond anything that we’ve seen,” according to the defense secretary ) threatens — and Washington slashes the military. Reason stares.

Several arguments are advanced to justify the decimation of our defense. All of them are wrong.

The president asserts that we must move to “a new order that’s based on a different set of principles, that’s based on a sense of common humanity.” The old order, he is saying, where America’s disproportionate strength holds tyrants in check and preserves the sovereignty of nations, is to be replaced.

… There are those who claim that a multipolar world is preferable to one led by a strong United States. Were these other poles nations such as Australia, Canada, France and Britain, I might concur. But with emerging poles being China, Russia and Iran, the world would not see peace; it would see bullying, invasion and regional wars. And ultimately, one would seek to conquer the others, unleashing world war….

Read More at The Washington Post

A Witness and a Warning

PictureAlger Hiss. Whittaker Chambers. No longer household names, but in the decade following the conclusion of the Second World War, there may not have been two Americans more famous — or infamous — than they were.

On January 21, 1950, Alger Hiss, a senior State Department official, was convicted by a jury of two counts of perjury. The culmination of hundreds of hours of testimony before Congressional committees and two courts of law, Hiss’s conviction was also a public exoneration of Whittaker Chambers, the man who had exposed Hiss as a Communist agent….

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