The President and The Freedom Fighter

Abraham Lincoln has long been my favorite president. I love his humble frontier upbringing. His self-taught erudition. His humility and humor. Above all, I love his evolution from apologist to abolitionist.

A big factor influencing that elevation was Lincoln’s relationship with former slave and fervent abolitionist Frederick Douglass.

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Rest in Peace, Walter Excellence Williams

The “E” stands for “Excellence”, Walter E. (Edward) Williams would sometimes say about his middle initial, and, judging by his accomplishments, he was right.

Born in 1936 to a devoted and determined single mother, Walter overcame adversity to become a leading economist, scholar, political philosopher and defender of truth and reason. He passed away on December 2nd, 2020.

Walter achieved many things in his lifetime. He was a true champion of liberty, particularly of economic freedom, and was an outspoken and unapologetic critic of government policies harmful to minorities, and of false narratives blaming whites for the problems in minority communities.

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Trump vs Biden: Who’s the real racist?

The epithet of “racist” is used as a powerful political weapon by the Democrats and their allies to smear conservatives. I have yet to see any evidence of their claims of racism by Donald Trump, or by any other conservatives that they target. Nobody I have challenged to provide evidence of their supposed racism has ever produced any. Meanwhile, I have seen evidence of racism by Joe Biden and by other Democrats and their supporters, evidence that is hypocritically ignored, all in the name of partisan politics.

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Nothing to see here, it’s just Colorism

You would really have a hard time making this stuff up, never mind getting someone to believe it. But it’s true.

The University of Florida’s Anthropology department recently sponsored a town hall they specifically told white students not to attend. It was just for so-called “BIPOC” students, meaning students who are black, indigenous, or “people of color”. Here is part of the text from an email sent to all students who were enrolled in an anthropology course:

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The three-fifths compromise was right

Recently I’ve been reading The Return of George Washington, a history of George Washington’s life between the end of the Revolutionary War and his election as the first President of the United States. I’ll likely write a book review later, when I’m done reading it. Right now, I feel the need to comment on a particular issue that was briefly discussed in the book.

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Why Does the Media Lie About Race to Protect Obama?

Excerpted from an article by Wayne Root, published 1/7/2015 by The Blaze
Why does the media lie about race? Why do they lie to cover-up for Barack Obama? It’s started out as embarrassing and pathetic. But it’s moved onto pure fraud.

Why does the media allow Obama to give press conferences about the handful of black Americans killed by police officers, but never mention the police officers murdered by black criminals? It happens all the time, but Obama never says a word about it.

That’s his prerogative. But it’s the media’s job to question him…to point out the inconsistencies…to call him on the hypocrisy and what looks to both police officers and law-abiding citizens as a dangerous double standard that incites violence against police.

Why does the media allow Obama to call Tea Party activists bad people, violent or radicals…when there is not one instance in history of violence or anyone recommending violence at any Tea Party rally. Yet the same media has video proof of protestors at the anti-police rallies Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder encourage, screaming in unison “What do we want? DEAD COPS.” It’s all on video. Then when police officers are murdered, the media never assigns any blame to the president….

Read the full Article on The Blaze

Liberals’ Use of Black People

Excerpted from an article by Walter E. Williams, published by Creators Syndicate
Back in the day, when hunting was the major source of food, hunters often used stalking horses as a means of sneaking up on their quarry. They would walk on the opposite side of the horse until they were close enough to place a good shot on whatever they were hunting. A stalking horse not only concealed them but also, if their target was an armed man and they were discovered, would take the first shot. That’s what blacks are to liberals and progressives in their efforts to transform America — stalking horses.

Let’s look at some of the ways white liberals use black people. One of the more obvious ways is for liberals to equate any kind of injustices suffered by homosexuals and women to the black struggle for civil rights. But it is just plain nonsense to suggest any kind of equivalency between the problems of homosexuals and women and the centuries of slavery followed by Jim Crow, lynching, systematic racial discrimination and the blood, sweat and tears of the black civil rights movement….

…. Liberals desperately need blacks. If the Democratic Party lost just 30 percent of the black vote, it would mean the end of the liberal agenda. That means blacks must be kept in a perpetual state of grievance in order to keep them as a one-party people in a two-party system….


Do Black Lives Matter?

In the aftermath of Ferguson, and after the death of Eric Garner in New York City, “Black Lives Matter” has become a rallying cry for protesters. The slogan’s overt accusation is that whites and so-called white institutions, such as police departments and government in general, don’t value the lives of black citizens.

Let’s first examine the claim that police officers don’t value black lives. The protesters would have us believe there is an epidemic of police killing blacks. Is there?

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Sir Charles the Just Speaks Again

One of the few public figure black men that talked sense during the Trayvon Martin incident was “Sir” Charles Barkley, former NBA player, and sports commentator. Once again Sir Charles is speaking out, this time about the Ferguson mess, and, once again, Sir Charles demonstrates that he is above racism, and cares most about what is right and just. Here’s a video of an interview with Charles Barkley: