
It is Way Past Time to Stop the Insanity

There is a really, really good reason why women’s sports are separate from men’s sports. In virtually every team sport, if men and women had co-ed teams there would be zero women playing on those teams. And in most individual sports women would never get close to making the cut, never mind medaling or getting a scholarship or a decent paycheck. Men are simply on average so much bigger, faster and stronger than women, that even the very best women athletes cannot compete.

This is not even debatable.

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The Sound of Guilt

My family and I recently went to the movie theatre and watched the surprise hit movie Sound of Freedom.

What did I think of it? Entertaining and disturbing. Those are two words that Sound of Freedom call to mind.

Another word that now comes to mind is QAnon.

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A Truly Tragic Situation

At 2 a.m. on Saturday, August 26th 2023, Nicholas Anthony Donofrio, age 20, a University of South Carolina student, was shot dead. He was found on the front porch of a house down the road from his own residence.

Authorities speculated that Donofrio mistakenly went to the wrong home and attempted to enter. The homeowner called the police to report a burglary attempt. When Donofrio continued to attempt to gain entry, someone in the home apparently shot him, and a second call was made to the police reporting the shots fired.

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The FBI Goes Gestapo (Again)

Craig Robertson was a very, very dangerous man. Really. Why? He posted online threats against Joe Biden and other government officials. He also owned guns. And a ghillie suit.

The FBI was afraid that Robertson would put on his ghillie suit, slip out of his house, travel 30 miles unseen on urban streets to where Joe Biden was speaking, and sneak up unnoticed in his ghillie suit on the president’s security entourage to carry out his oh-so credible threats.

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Becoming Superman

I was a young impressionable six-year-old the night we went to the movie theatre to watch Superman, the one starring Christopher Reeves. I was in awe. He was so real to me, there on the big screen. I knew right then that I wanted to be Superman.

I wanted to be called Clark Kent at school, so my mom sent a note to the principal, who gave it to all the teachers. My teacher kept calling me by my old name, which made me mad.

My first cape was a red towel safety-pinned to a blue shirt. I spent hours running around the house, jumping off chairs, practicing my flying skills from the back of the couch. When my parents called me by my given name I’d tell them “no, I’m Superman”, and they’d tell me, “yes, son, you can be anything you want to be.”

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Better that a Millstone

It took a few years, but I finally watched the movie “The Kite Runner”. It now makes the cut as one of my favorite movie dramas. I highly recommend it.

The story, historical fiction, was thought-provoking, compelling and inspiring. It was also very disturbing, because it dealt with the repulsive, revolting reality of the rape of children by depraved sub-human scum.

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Kyrie’s Uneven Playing Field

For months of this NBA season Kyrie Irving missed all home games and some away games due to his principled and impressive stand against being forced to be injected with an experimental and, for most people, completely unnecessary innoculation.

Kryie’s stand won a tremendous amount of respect from me and from many others.

But On March 24th, that changed.