Nation’s Landmarks Feel Temperature Extremes

Reported By on 2013-01-13 

 Bitterly cold temperatures gripped the West. In Arizona, the Grand Canyon airport observed a low of 20 degrees below zero Sunday morning. That appeared to tie the all-time record low for the Grand Canyon since records began in 1976, previously set Dec. 23, 1990 and on the first two days of February 1985…. Extremes were part of a stark division between very cold air in the West and balmy air covering most of the East… West Yellowstone, Mont., dropped to 39 below zero Sunday morning.

A Callous Disregard for Life and for Truth

The following was submitted by a Truth is Reason reader from Connecticut

I recently heard Senator Blumenthal speak about the horrific experience of seeing the tiny broken bodies from the terrible tragedy in Newtown. I fear that the real import of this wake up call in this tragedy is being ignored.

Senator Blumenthal, as a legislator, should take time to visit an abortion clinic and watch as tiny and helpless bodies are ripped apart by “medical professionals” who, having the permission of government, have put aside their humanity and their natural affection to participate in barbaric acts of inhumanity.

Was 2012 the Hottest Year? Alarmists Blowing Hot Air Again

Reported By on 2013-01-10 

“NOAA has inflated the 2012 record maximum number by adding new stations which didn’t exist during the hot years of the 1930s. That is a completely illegitimate approach, suitable only for government workers. An apples to apples comparison uses only the same stations. When that is done, 2012 doesn’t even crack the ten hottest years.”

Citizen Self Defense Prevents Mass Shootings

Shortly after the Aurora Colorado movie theatre shooting rampage, Blogger Davi Barker posted an article on the Daily Anarchist titled “Auditing Shooting Rampage Statistics”. At the time his limited research uncovered the fact that indiscriminate rampage shooters stopped by law enforcement tallied far more murders than those stopped by citizens [ref]. Why? It usually takes a while for law enforcement to arrive on the scene. By the time they do, a lot of damage is already done.

Saved by the Gun

“A woman hiding in her attic with children shot an intruder multiple times before fleeing for safety Friday”, reported Atlanta Georgia’s WSB-TV Action News on January 4, 2013 [ref].

What were the criminal’s motives? He found the woman and her children in an attic crawlspace. Not the most likely place to find valuables to pilfer. I believe he was searching the house for its inhabitants.

What if the woman didn’t have a gun?

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