Better that a Millstone

It took a few years, but I finally watched the movie “The Kite Runner”. It now makes the cut as one of my favorite movie dramas. I highly recommend it.

The story, historical fiction, was thought-provoking, compelling and inspiring. It was also very disturbing, because it dealt with the repulsive, revolting reality of the rape of children by depraved sub-human scum.

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The President and The Freedom Fighter

Abraham Lincoln has long been my favorite president. I love his humble frontier upbringing. His self-taught erudition. His humility and humor. Above all, I love his evolution from apologist to abolitionist.

A big factor influencing that elevation was Lincoln’s relationship with former slave and fervent abolitionist Frederick Douglass.

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A homogeneous brain-washed bunch of group thinkers

I’d never heard of her before, and you probably haven’t either, but Sandra Bernhard (an actress, I hear) wants to be the one that does the thinking for the women who voted for Trump.

After all, says Bernhard, these Trump-voting women are not “able to think for themselves”, because they are “under the thumb of [their] husband[s].”

Thank goodness these women now have Bernhard to tell them who to vote for and what to believe.

If only Bernhard could think for her self.

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Netanyahu Nails It

I think Barack Obama’s vehement opposition to Netanyahu speaking before Congress had to leave a lot of people scratching their heads, wondering why such a big deal? Israel, is, after all, our close ally, right? The only democratic government in the Middle East, no? Surely, the Prime Minister of Israel, a friend of the U.S., should be welcome to speak before Congress.
After hearing Netanyahu’s speech, I think it’s pretty obvious why Obama didn’t want America to hear him. Why not? Because Obama knew that Netanyahu would demolish his foolish foreign policy of Iranian appeasement.

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We all know what BS is

When the topic of higher education comes up I often think of a little saying I heard years ago. I don’t know who wrote it, but it goes like this:

We all know what BS is.
MS is more of the same,
and PhD is piled higher and deeper!

If you don’t know what the acronyms stand for, maybe you didn’t go to college. If not, perhaps you should go. Then again — and I know that this sounds like heresy nowadays — maybe you don’t need to go to college.

Liberals’ Use of Black People

Excerpted from an article by Walter E. Williams, published by Creators Syndicate
Back in the day, when hunting was the major source of food, hunters often used stalking horses as a means of sneaking up on their quarry. They would walk on the opposite side of the horse until they were close enough to place a good shot on whatever they were hunting. A stalking horse not only concealed them but also, if their target was an armed man and they were discovered, would take the first shot. That’s what blacks are to liberals and progressives in their efforts to transform America — stalking horses.

Let’s look at some of the ways white liberals use black people. One of the more obvious ways is for liberals to equate any kind of injustices suffered by homosexuals and women to the black struggle for civil rights. But it is just plain nonsense to suggest any kind of equivalency between the problems of homosexuals and women and the centuries of slavery followed by Jim Crow, lynching, systematic racial discrimination and the blood, sweat and tears of the black civil rights movement….

…. Liberals desperately need blacks. If the Democratic Party lost just 30 percent of the black vote, it would mean the end of the liberal agenda. That means blacks must be kept in a perpetual state of grievance in order to keep them as a one-party people in a two-party system….


The Need for a Mighty U.S. Military

Excerpted from an Op-ed by Mitt Romney, published 9/4/2014 by The Washington Post

Russia invades, China bullies, Iran spins centrifuges, the Islamic State (a terrorist threat “beyond anything that we’ve seen,” according to the defense secretary ) threatens — and Washington slashes the military. Reason stares.

Several arguments are advanced to justify the decimation of our defense. All of them are wrong.

The president asserts that we must move to “a new order that’s based on a different set of principles, that’s based on a sense of common humanity.” The old order, he is saying, where America’s disproportionate strength holds tyrants in check and preserves the sovereignty of nations, is to be replaced.

… There are those who claim that a multipolar world is preferable to one led by a strong United States. Were these other poles nations such as Australia, Canada, France and Britain, I might concur. But with emerging poles being China, Russia and Iran, the world would not see peace; it would see bullying, invasion and regional wars. And ultimately, one would seek to conquer the others, unleashing world war….

Read More at The Washington Post