To The Horror Of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling Is Here

Reported By on 2013-05-26

“At first the current stall out of global warming was due to the ocean cycles turning back to cold. But something much more ominous has developed over this period. Sunspots run in 11 year short term cycles, with longer cyclical trends of 90 and even 200 years. The number of sunspots declined substantially in the last 11 year cycle, after flattening out over the previous 20 years. But in the current cycle, sunspot activity has collapsed….”

Woman uses gun to scare off three home invaders

Reported By on 2013-05-24

“A south Kansas City woman fired shots at a group of people she said was trying to break into her home. …She heard someone jiggle the knob of the front door. The woman said she saw two other men heading to the back door.The woman said she peered through the blinds and saw the men putting on gloves and raising their feet to try to kick their way through the sliding glass doors. She said she pulled the trigger and fired straight ahead. The woman said the men ran off, firing shots toward the house….”

Homeowner kills burglar

Reported By on 2013-05-23

“At around 2:40 in the afternoon, a 911 call came in from [a] homeowner…. He said he had just shot an intruder who was trying to burglarize his home. After shooting him once in the chest, the homeowner said the intruder broke through a window to get out of the home. He then drove his getaway car into a chain link fence where he died of his injuries…. Shortly after authorities got that call, they received other calls of burglaries in the area….”

Girl stabbed but uses gun to scare off attacker

Reported By Fox News on 2013-05-22

“26-year-old Samantha Minehart was stabbed while feeding the horse in her family’s barn. She was stabbed in the stomach and leg resulting in 11 stitches.  Samantha says the man left as she fired two shots, missing him both times. …Samantha was carrying a gun because they’ve had problems before….”

Toledo woman apprehends attempted home invader

Reported By ABC News on 2013-05-22

“At 4:45 in the morning [a man] started heading toward [Betty Collins’] house, then started kicking the door, trying to get inside. ‘I screamed as loud as I could, ‘get off my porch. I have a gun. I will shoot you.’ And he stayed at the door,’ explained Collins. ‘I’m like, ‘Get off my porch. I have a gun. I will shoot you.’ He didn’t move, so I opened the door and there he was standing 5 inches from the barrel of a loaded .357… I said, ‘Get on the ground.’ and he got on his knees. I said, ‘no, put your face in the dirt and you’re gonna stay there.’,’ recounted Collins….”

Grandmother holds burglar at gunpoint

Reported By on 2013-04-03

A grandmother of ten fired a warning shot and then held a would-be burglar at gunpoint in her home until police arrived and arrested him. She called police when her back door was kicked in. “I told him I was armed. He kept coming, so I started backing up,” she said. That’s when she fired the warning shot. “You have to be prepared for anything. You don’t get do-overs. You can’t ask for a time out, so you just do what you need to do,” she said. (see also article

Father protects himself and children from two intruders

Reported By Fox News on 2013-03-31

“The victim of an early Sunday morning home invasion in Philadelphia shot at his intruders after a brief struggle, killing one of them… 63-year-old Lee Heng told officers he had no choice but to open fire on two men who broke into his second story bathroom window around 1 a.m. Easter morning. Heng was sleeping inside with his two children when the suspects broke in. After a struggle with the two men, police say Heng got his gun and fired several shots, killing one of the suspects….”

Marine with concealed carry permit stops man from beating woman

Reported By Fox News on 2013-03-15

“A Marine Corps veteran was able to stop a man early Tuesday, March 12th from nearly kicking a woman to death…. Charlie Blackmore was driving home from work at 4:00 a.m. along Lincoln Avenue when he saw something on the sidewalk. Blackmore didn’t realize it was a woman on the ground being kicked in the head and stomach until he got closer.That’s when he jumped out of his car and sprung into action….”

Alabama homeowner uses shotgun to kill intruder

Reported By on 2013-03-13

“Investigators said the homeowner fired just one shot with his shotgun…. Police said they were familiar with the suspected burglar, Lacey, from previous investigations.  Albertville Police arrested him last week for first-degree theft of property, and the Marshall County Sheriff’s Office also arrested Lacey in December for theft….”