The global warming hysteria would be hilarious if it wasn’t being used to ramrod rules and legislation that are robbing us all of resources and liberty, and to transfer wealth and power to unelected bureaucrats and elites.
Continue reading “Inconvenient Facts”Tag: Climate Change
Scientific reasons to question man-made warming
Excerpted from an article by David Rothbard and Craig Rucker
Many people are actively worried about global warming. And it frustrates them that skeptics and “deniers” refuse to acknowledge the “science” of such an urgent, manmade problem.
But there may be valid reasons to dispute the theory that man is responsible for climate change. And to demonstrate why the issue isn’t so clearcut, here’s a basic climate question to ponder:
As the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere increases, does its ability to absorb heat increase, decrease or remain the same?
Continue reading “Scientific reasons to question man-made warming”
Talk of mini ice age is changing global warming debate again
Excerpted from an article By Justin Haskins
Many Americans believe the debate over whether man is primarily responsible for Earth’s recent warming was started by Al Gore in the 1990s, when the issue prominently made its way onto the national stage, but scientists have been debating humans’ role in our changing climate for many decades.
For instance, in 1969, the New York Times reported, “Col. Bernt Balchen, polar explorer and flier [now serving with General Dynamics], is circulating a paper among polar specialists proposing that the Arctic pack ice is thinning and that the ocean at the North Pole may become an open sea within a decade or two. … A number of specialists believe that an ice-free Arctic Ocean would not freeze again.”
In the 1970s, some scientists speculated Earth was about to go through an extensive global cooling period, with some even suggesting the cooling could be catastrophic.
These dire predictions, and many more just like them, never occurred, of course, but they all have one thing in common: Environmentalists have consistently used scientific projections to justify radical, often socialistic policy changes, including carbon taxes and exchanges, incentives to limit population growth and other extreme measures that take power away from individuals and give it to an ever-growing centralized government.
I believe we could be about to experience another remarkable shift in the climate change debate, although radical environmentalists’ plan to seize your rights will likely remain the same….
Read More at The Blaze
Future forecast is global cooling
BY 2050, our Sun is expected to be unusually cool.
It’s what scientists have termed a ‘grand minimum’ — a particularly low point in what is otherwise a steady 11-year cycle.
Over this cycle, the Sun’s tumultuous heart races and rests.
At its high point, the nuclear fusion at the Sun’s core forces more magnetic loops high into its boiling atmosphere — ejecting more ultraviolet radiation and generating sunspots and flares.
When it’s quiet, the Sun’s surface goes calm.
Al Gore blames the ‘Climate Crisis’ for cold weather, but actually, it’s just January
Excerpted from an article by Ed Feulner
Remember when global warming meant the planet was supposed to, well, warm up? Temperatures would rise, and all manner of ecological calamity would ensue?
Me too. So it was surprising to find myself shivering, like other Americans, through several days of arctic chill and extreme cold, only to hear Al Gore blame it on global warming.
He didn’t use the w-word, though. “It’s bitter cold in parts of the U.S., but climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann explains that’s exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis,” Gore tweeted on Jan. 4.
See, it’s a “climate crisis” now. But it’s hard to blame him for trying some rebranding. After all, prediction after prediction has come to naught.
But no matter: Like other Doomsday prophets, Gore just acts like the last missed deadline didn’t happen and comes up with a new one.
Which is why it’s important to remind ourselves of what Gore has said in the past….
Read More on The Daily Signal
Meteorologist chides Mann and Gore for linking cold to climate change
Al Gore took to his Twitter account last week to blame the recent record cold snap on climate change. But he was sharply rebuked with facts by a famed meteorologist….
Bastardi challenged whether the recent cold has anything to do with climate change, saying cold in the 1980s was colder than this year’s recent cold snap and it was never connected to climate change or global warming.
Bastardi also questioned whether or not the upcoming thaw is connected to climate change.
After four tweets, Bastardi concluded by chiding Gore and other climate change alarmists about pursuing narrative over truth…
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Meteorologist Joe Bastardi discusses unusually cold winter
A winter storm has been hammering the Northeast, while even states like Florida are experiencing much colder weather than normal. What’s going on? Is this extreme winter evidence for climate change – or just part of the normal weather cycle?
Meteorologist and weather forecaster Joe Bastardi of talked about weather patterns and this year’s unusually cold winter with Pat and Jeffy on today’s show. His analysis is a stark contrast to climate change activists’ scare tactics. Listen to the clip (above) to hear him combat various arguments tying cold winter weather to global warming.
Listen to Joe Bastardi on The Blaze
This extreme cold is just weather but all heat waves are climate change
From an article by Joanne Nova
There is a deep asymmetry in science. Don’t take it from me, take it from the former President of American Meteorological Society (AMS) and a current Director of the University of Georgia’s (UGA) Atmospheric Sciences Program. Marshall Sheppard would know, he has written over “80 peer reviewed papers” which gives him secret weather knowledge. It’s a kind of smarts that people who analyze MRI scans, design aerofoils or find minerals 3,000m underground can only aspire to.
He’s worried that people are mocking climate change, just because snap-frozen sharks are washing up on the beach, and it’s hitting minus 50C in Canada. In the last twenty years mankind has put out more than a third of all the CO2 homo sapiens has ever made since Homo Erectus lit their last fire. Despite that whole extra blanket on the planet, the last time it was this cold was, like 1917.
So to help train believers Marshall Sheppard has written a handy retort to skeptical cynics…
Cold snap draws comparisons to Mars
A deadly deep freeze has washed over areas of the United States. Temperatures are so low that they’ve drawn comparisons to the planet Mars.
The year 2017 came to an end with a cold snap gripping most of the United States, breaking century-old records and causing several deaths. The cold temperatures covered areas from south Texas, Montana, New England, Alabama and Georgia, ABC News reported….
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Recently retired government climate scientist accuses NOAA of data manipulation
The climate change debate went nuclear Sunday over a whistleblower’s explosive allegation that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association manipulated data to advance a political agenda by hiding the global warming “pause.”
In an article on the Climate Etc. blog, John Bates, who retired last year as principal scientist of the National Climatic Data Center, accused the lead author of the 2015 NOAA “pausebuster” report of trying to “discredit” the hiatus through “flagrant manipulation of scientific integrity guidelines and scientific publication standards.”
In addition, Mr. Bates told the Daily [U.K.] Mail that the report’s author, former NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information director Thomas Karl, did so by “insisting on decisions and scientific choices that maximized warming and minimized documentation.”….
Read More at The Washington Times