An animated analysis of the IPCC AR5 graph shows IPCC analysis methodology and computer models are seriously flawed

Reported By on 2012-12-19 

“This one chart is all we need to prove, without a doubt, that IPCC analysis methodology and computer models are seriously flawed. They have way over-estimated the extent of Global Warming since the IPCC first started issuing Assessment Reports in 1990, and continuing through the fourth report issued in 2007. When actual observations over a period of up to 22 years substantially contradict predictions based on a given climate theory, that theory must be greatly modified or completely discarded…. The IPCC has issued four reports, so, given 90% certainty for each report, there should be only one chance in 10,000 (ten times ten times ten times ten) that they got it wrong four times in a row. But they did!”

Who caused Sandy?

Reported By on 2012-12-13

“As extensive and tragic as Sandy’s destruction has been, it is not at all beyond the range of what is known about the natural variability of the different meteorological elements which came together to produce it. What is more amazing, at least from an intellectual point-of-view, is the number of prominent government officials, the media, and private citizens who have concluded that Sandy’s destruction was the result (or partly the result) of human influences….. There is no rational basis for such a conclusion other than the prevalent psychological need of so many people to assign a simple explanation for any unusually rare and destructive weather event.  History tells us of the strong link between the deteriorating weather which occurred in Europe between the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and the Little Ice Age (LIA), and the burning of women believed to be witches. Estimates are that fifty thousand or more witches were burned to death during the 15th through 17th centuries in Europe. These women were imagined to have a pack with the Devil that enabled them to bring forth damaging weather events or deterioration of climate. And if the weather improved after such burnings it was taken as a sign that these women did indeed have a direct link to the Devil….”

Scientists Pen Open Climate Letter to UN Secretary General: The Science is Unclear

Reported By on 2012-11-29 

 “We the undersigned, qualified in climate-related matters, wish to state that current scientific knowledge does not substantiate your [global warming] assertions…. Climate changes naturally all the time, sometimes dramatically. The hypothesis that our emissions of CO2 have caused, or will cause, dangerous warming is not supported by the evidence…. There is no sound reason for the costly, restrictive public policy decisions proposed at the U.N. climate conference in Qatar. Rigorous analysis of unbiased observational data does not support the projections of future global warming predicted by computer models now proven to exaggerate warming and its effects….”

Gore Seeks to Stoke Climate Hysteria with Fire Tornado Footage

PictureAn unrelated photo of a Fire Tornado

Last September filmmaker Chris Tangey was filming in the Australian outback when he captured footage of a rare fire tornado. Twice since then people working for Al Gore (staffer Jill Martin, then Climate Reality Project producer Andrea Smith) have tried to purchase rights to the video [ref].

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The Global Warming Gestapo

You don’t even have to know anything about science to understand that there is something seriously wrong with claims of imminent disaster from so-called man-made global warming. You don’t even have to pay attention to the weather. All you have to do is examine the rhetoric and actions of the global warming alarmists.

The Climate Change Conspiracy

Have you paused to wonder why we are no longer being bombarded with “global warming” messages, but somehow it has become “climate change” that we need to be afraid of?

Could it be because “global warming” is not really a problem? Definitely. But the point of this post isn’t to get into the Global Warming “debate”. Mother Nature has already put the topic to bed for anyone who has been paying attention to the weather for the last several years. Rather, this post is to examine why the message changed from “global warming” to “climate change”.

Continue reading “The Climate Change Conspiracy”

Al Gore Had an Agenda

You may have heard about the UK’s nursery rhyme-themed advertisements that were created and run by UK’s Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) under UK Energy Secretary Ed Miliband. The ads were targeted at children. One played off of the “three men in a tub” and warned of rising temperatures and sea levels (neither is the case), and a greater frequency and intensity of “extreme weather events such as storms, floods and heatwaves” (nope, not happening). The other parodied the story of Jack and Jill, telling how there was no water to fetch because of drought. [ref1, ref2]

Continue reading “Al Gore Had an Agenda”

Overwhelming Evidence of an Agenda

In his State of the Union Address the other night, Obama drew guffaws and laughter when he said “I know that there are those who disagree with the overwhelming scientific evidence for climate change, but…”

I like to think that the reaction to that statement was from people who couldn’t believe how ridiculous it was.

Continue reading “Overwhelming Evidence of an Agenda”

The Science of Global Cooling

In my other articles on so-called man-made global warming I’ve focused my criticism of global warming mainly on the political and financial motivations behind the global warming alarmists. In this article I turn my attention to the science of global warming, which can now be more accurately called the science of global cooling, since that is actually what has been happening for the last decade, and is likely to continue to happen for several years.

I actually feel kind of silly writing this article, as it should be obvious to everyone that global warming is a bust, based on a very cold last winter, and a winter right now that is likely to be the coldest in 100 years (see below for more on that). But I am compelled to write because, amazingly, there are still people in the world who believe (or at least want you to believe) that global warming is a serious problem demanding drastic and draconian preventative and corrective measures.