Homeowner shoots intruder high on meth

Reported By www.kptv.com on 2013-02-11 

“The suspect, Brian L. Creed, entered the home and started down a hallway toward the homeowner, who was standing outside the bedroom door to protect his wife. When the homeowner told the suspect to stop, Creed chose to charge the homeowner….  Creed had recently moved into a house nearby and admitted that he had used methamphetamine earlier in the day….”

More Gun Laws

(This is an edited version of an email I received, author unknown.) 

A few thoughts on more gun laws:

A person steals several guns (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW),
shoots and kills his own mother (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW),
transports loaded guns (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW),
brings guns onto school property (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW),
breaks into the school (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW),
discharges the guns within city limits (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW),
murders 26 people (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW),
and commits suicide (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW).

But there are people in this country that somehow think passing MORE GUN LAWS would protect us from someone like this.

If you haven’t noticed, people like this are not concerned about obeying laws — they only care about satisfying their own twisted desires.

The only people that additional gun legislation would impact are LAW ABIDING CITIZENS, which will only serve to cripple their ability to protect themselves and their loved ones, friends and neighbors.

A Doomsday Provision

The following is by a Truth is Reason reader from Connecticut

Guns are not the problem.

Is everyone up in arms to take cars away from law abiding citizens because some choose — yes choose — to drink and drive?!?

We already have strict laws against drunk driving, so why are there still drunk driving fatalities? Maybe we need to make the laws even more strict? That should do it!!!

Banning guns from law abiding citizens will not prevent criminals and the criminally insane from obtaining guns or other means to carry out their crimes.

Liberty Endangerment

An Ohio father was arrested — charged with child endangerment and held on $2,000 bond — for simply posting to Facebook a photo showing himself with his one year old daughter on his lap, while holding a gun in his right hand, pointed away from the child [ref].

Dominic Gaines’ gun turned out to be a BB gun. But that doesn’t matter.

Court documents claimed that “due to the close proximity of the BB gun to the child, there is a substantial risk of physical harm and safety of the child.”

Dissecting the Second Amendment

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution is very succinct:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. [United States Constitution, Amendment II]

Twenty-seven words. One sentence. Simple vocabulary. It amazes me that there is any question whatsoever over what it means. Taken at face value, and in the context of who it was written by, and when it was written, there can be no doubt.
A well regulated Militia
What is a militia? From dictionary.com:

Continue reading “Dissecting the Second Amendment”

Why the Second Amendment is Second

The first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, were ratified together on December 15, 1791.

The First Amendment protects religious liberty, freedom of speech, of the press, of peaceable assembly, and the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. Most would agree that these rights are the most critical in a free society. Hence, their premiere status as the First Amendment.

What protection immediately follows these? The right of the people to keep and bear Arms.

Continue reading “Why the Second Amendment is Second”

Citizen Self Defense Prevents Mass Shootings

Shortly after the Aurora Colorado movie theatre shooting rampage, Blogger Davi Barker posted an article on the Daily Anarchist titled “Auditing Shooting Rampage Statistics”. At the time his limited research uncovered the fact that indiscriminate rampage shooters stopped by law enforcement tallied far more murders than those stopped by citizens [ref]. Why? It usually takes a while for law enforcement to arrive on the scene. By the time they do, a lot of damage is already done.