Irresponsible Choices

Excerpted from an article by Thomas Sowell, published 9/24/2014 in Jewish World Review

The latest Gallup poll indicates that 14 percent of the people “moderately disapprove” of Barack Obama’s performance as president and 39 percent “strongly disapprove.”

Since Obama won two presidential elections, chances are that some of those who now “strongly disapprove” of what he has done voted to put him in office. We all make mistakes, but the real question is whether we learn from them.

With many people now acting as if it is time for “a woman” to become president, apparently they have learned absolutely nothing from the disastrous results of the irresponsible self-indulgence of choosing a President of the United States on the basis of demographic characteristics, instead of individual qualifications….

Read more: Jewish World Review

Lands of the Free

I don’t know all the history and details of the Bundy cattle ranch controversy, but I do know one thing for certain: It’s high time the federal government relinquished its control over so-called “federal” lands.

Absolutely contrary to the Founder’s idea of federalism, the federal government has become a monolithic power whose tentacles invade and pervade everything, everywhere. Over the years states have willingly and unwillingly relinquished rights and powers to the federal government, including control of land within their own borders.

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A Chain Liar

Obama has quit smoking, at least according to Michelle Obama, who in 2011 said that Barack hadn’t had a cigarette in nearly a year.

“It’s been almost a year,” Michelle said back on February 8, 2011 [ref].

I sincerely congratulate President Obama on the significant accomplishment of quitting smoking. There are many people who are never able to kick the habit. Hopefully he’s kicked it for good.

Unfortunately, one habit that Obama hasn’t kicked — and isn’t even trying to kick — is that of lying.

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Parents outraged over highly intrusive school survey

Reported by The Blaze on 2013-10-16

What’s your religion? Your sexual orientation? Your parents’ political affiliation? Should “assault rifles” be banned? Who’s to blame for the government shutdown? Do these sound like questions that high school sophomores should have to answer? A Maryland high school that is “Common Core” compliant — as described to TheBlaze by a representative — allegedly administered a survey to its sophomore class that pried for personal information….

Schools have zero business asking for this kind of information from students. None of the info has anything at all to do with the education the students should be getting. It is high time that schools returned their focus to the fundamentals, and stopped trying to indoctrinate students socially and politically with progressive propaganda.

Obama’s Temper Tantrum

(Submitted by a Truth is Reason reader)

Calling in extra people to close down the World War II Memorial is worse than absurd — it is outrageous. We haven’t the money to pay for good things for the American people, but we have the funds to harass freedom loving Americans?

Obama and his cohorts are carefully choosing their targets to make it hurt patriotic Americans, veterans who actually have served and love this Country, and those who would go out of their way to honor these veterans. The Democrats, those represented by Barack  H. Obama have made their intentions obvious in these actions.

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Old Nancy Pelosi

In an interview on CNN, Nancy Pelosi made the astonishing claim that there is nothing that can be cut from the enormous $4 trillion annual federal budget.

“The cupboard is bare. There’s no more cuts to make,” Pelosi claimed. “It’s really important that people understand that.” [ref]

So, to help Pelosi’s effort to educate people about how bare the cupboard really is, I’ve written a little poem modeled after Old Mother Hubbard….

Continue reading “Old Nancy Pelosi”

Obama’s Ever-expanding Enemies List

Back in December of 2012 I wrote an article titled “The IRS and Obama’s Enemies List“, detailing how the Obama administration was using the IRS to attack and intimidate political opponents. It wasn’t long afterwards that the IRS targeting scandal broke.

I could now add dozens of pages of additional damning evidence against Obama and his minions. At some point I may find the time to do that.

For now, I just want to mention one other conservative that the IRS targeted, undoubtedly at the behest of Obama or his aides.

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School shows students pro-Obama I Pledge video

Reported by Fox News on 2013-09-27

A Wisconsin middle school in the Hudson School District played the pro-Obama “I Pledge” video as part of their Peace One Day event. The video features brainless celebrities pledging allegiance to Barack Obama. For example, rock singer Anthony Kiedis says “I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama”, while actress Demi Moore proclaims “I pledge to be a servant to our president.” It is mind-boggling that anybody would make such idiotic pledges, and it is outrageous that supposedly intelligent school administrators would suppose for even one second that showing such brazen outlandish political propaganda in school would ever be appropriate. Such crap is reminiscent of Nazi Germany and Stalin’s USSR, and is contrary to every ideal that founded and made America great.