Wednesday, April 22 is Earth Day. To hear the experts like Usher and Al Gore tell the story, the planet is in a miserable state. We’re running out of our natural resources, we’re overpopulating the globe and running out of room, the air that we breathe is becoming toxic, the oceans are rising and soon major coastal cities will be underwater, and the Earth is, of course, heating up, except when it is cooling down.
This is perhaps the single greatest misinformation campaign in world history. Virtually none of these claims are even close to the truth — except for the fact that our climate is always changing as it has for hundreds of thousands of years.
Since the first Earth Day back in the 1970s, the environmentalists — those who worship the creation rather than the Creator have issued one false prediction of Armageddon after another and yet despite the fact that their batting average is zero, the media and our schools keep parroting their declinism as if they were oracles not shysters.
Here are the factual realities we should be celebrating on Earth Day….
Month: April 2015
You Aren’t Really Offended All The Time, So Please Stop Pretending
As you know, America is a nation obsessed with being offended. We really enjoy it. We just love the feeling. We relish any opportunity to take umbrage at something. We revel in the insult. The outrage. The indignation.
It’s invigorating. It’s stimulating.
And when you mix our enthusiasm for outrage with the constant saturation of news and information, it creates an environment where offense grows like mold in a dark basement. Factor in our boredom, our warped sense of perspective, and our perverted moral compass, and suddenly you find offendedness thriving to a degree never before witnessed by man….
Truly, our society’s bellyaching sissies are in an elite category. They are like the Navy SEALS of offendedness. They demonstrate unmatched skill, dedication, and dexterity in imagining new and exciting ways to be insulted.
But why? Why are we in this permanent state of outrage? Why are we constantly dismayed and disgruntled and disturbed by every little thing?
… We begin by assuming the outrage is genuine, and proceed to investigate how these people could be so consistently and sincerely outraged by so many ridiculous things.
I’ve come to understand the issue differently, however.
… It’s all a show. Nobody cares. That’s why there’s never really any reason for the the Villain of the Moment to issue his formal apology and beg for forgiveness from people who don’t actually give a crap. Wait it out for a day or two and everyone will forget. They always do.
Meanwhile, there are real outrages happening on the planet. There are actual travesties and atrocities occurring, ones in which anger would be an appropriate response. One example is the ongoing genocide of religious minorities in the Middle East and North Africa. There’s something to be profoundly offended by, if you’re looking for a new target….
Global Warming and Why We Do or Don’t Believe Science
… We’re told over and over how 97 percent of climate scientists believe that humans are causing global warming, so therefore we should, too. Comedian-pundit John Oliver has said (only semi-jokingly) that it’s misleading for climate change advocates to debate skeptics one-on-one, as it implies there is a 50-50 split on the issue. (Instead, Oliver says it should be 97 advocates against three skeptics.)
But this misses the point.
In sports – drawn-out playoff schedules aside – the championship isn’t determined by who has the greatest percentage of fans rooting for it; it’s determined by which team has the highest percentage of wins. Likewise, in science, what counts isn’t the percentage of scientists who are supporting a theory, it’s the theory’s batting average when it comes to making true predictions.
That in mind, you don’t rally the public to your cause with gimmicks like putting 100 climate scientists on stage (or flying mailmen, for that matter: never send a gyrocopter to do the work of an evil hovercraft). If you want to convince people about the science behind global warming, show us how the science keeps accurately describing how the world is going to behave.
But that’s not what we get. Instead we get a decade-or-more plateau in temperatures even as carbon dioxide levels keep rising steadily. And we get the refining of the prediction of “global warming” to “global weirding”….
Concealed carry holder rescues elderly man from group of assailants
Reported By on 2015-04-24
“A trip to the grocery turn[ed] into a stand-off when a shopper decide[d] to take the law into his own hands. The gunman did not want to be identified so he said to call him Gene. Gene says he had two options– ignore the surrounded elderly man– or do something he thought he’d never have to…. The 24-year-old says when he was leaving the grocery store he saw something he couldn’t ignore. ‘I saw seven people against one guy and I did not like those odds.’ The out numbered man was elderly so Gene felt obligated to get involved…. With the gun drawn the attackers turned their attention. ‘They kept yelling this isn’t your fight, you need to walk away you need to put the gun down,’ Gene says…. By the time police arrived the attackers and the victim took off….”
Officer shares his lunch with a homeless man
Reported by Fox 31 Denver on 2015-04-23
A photo of a sheriff’s deputy in Washington state sharing his lunch with a homeless man on the side of the street was quickly going viral on Facebook Thursday, epitomizing what many are calling the good side of policing. The photo was posted on Facebook by Pierce County resident Darren Ballard Sr….
Homeowner shoots home invader
;Reported By The Blaze on 2015-04-23
“After hearing a loud noise at the back of his residence Thursday afternoon, a Texas homeowner told Arlington police he went to investigate and found two men he didn’t know had broken into his house…. The homeowner was carrying a handgun and shot at the men, police said. While one escaped on foot, the other was hit by gunfire. Police found the alleged intruder in the backyard; he was taken to a hospital where he died of his injuries….”
In Honor of Earth Day
Reported By The Blaze on 2015-04-22
“In honor of Earth Day, Glenn Beck on Wednesday ruthlessly mocked a sling of climate change predictions that ended up not coming true…. Beck first reminded his audience that experts were warning of an impending ice age before they were warning about global warming, and Harvard biologist George Wald even warned in 1970 that civilization would end within 15 to 30 years unless immediate action was taken….”
Happy Earth Day 2015: The Earth is doing just fine, thank you
Reported By Fox News on 2015-04-22
“Wednesday, April 22 is Earth Day. To hear the experts like Usher and Al Gore tell the story, the planet is in a miserable state. We’re running out of our natural resources, we’re overpopulating the globe and running out of room, the air that we breathe is becoming toxic, the oceans are rising and soon major coastal cities will be underwater, and the Earth is, of course, heating up, except when it is cooling down.
This is perhaps the single greatest misinformation campaign in world history….”
Global Warming and the Reasons We Do (or Don’t) Believe Science
Reported By The Blaze on 2015-04-21
“… We’re told over and over how 97 percent of climate scientists believe that humans are causing global warming, so therefore we should, too. Comedian-pundit John Oliver has said (only semi-jokingly) that it’s misleading for climate change advocates to debate skeptics one-on-one, as it implies there is a 50-50 split on the issue. (Instead, Oliver says it should be 97 advocates against three skeptics.) But this misses the point. In sports – drawn-out playoff schedules aside – the championship isn’t determined by who has the greatest percentage of fans rooting for it; it’s determined by which team has the highest percentage of wins. Likewise, in science, what counts isn’t the percentage of scientists who are supporting a theory, it’s the theory’s batting average when it comes to making true predictions….”
Grandma uses pistol to thwart knife-wielding robber
;Reported By NBC News on 2015-04-21
“A Fort Worth grandmother thwarted her would-be robber Monday when she pulled a pistol from her purse and scared her assailant away. Jewell Turner, 74, [said] she was waiting in her minivan outside of her doctor’s office … when a man tapped on the glass of her driver’s side window. Turner said she rolled down the window when the man said he needed directions. [He stuck a knife to her throat and told her to give him her purse.]… Turner remembered that earlier that very day she felt the need to bring her small pistol along with her…. ‘I just reached down, got the gun and turned around and pointed it to his face. And I told him, I said, You back off, or I’ll blow your head off. And his eyes got big and he just backed up and he took off walking down the street like nothing happened.’…”