Report shows UN admitting solar activity may play significant role in global warming

Reported By Fox News on 2013-02-01 

“A leaked report by a United Nations’ group dedicated to climate studies says that heat from the sun may play a larger role than previously thought…. Even after the IPCC acknowledges extensive evidence for … solar forcing beyond what they included in their models, they still make no attempt to account for this omission in their predictions.”

Government Scientist Fired for Telling the Truth

Reported By on 2013-01-18 

“The Department of Interior is misleading the public and purging scientists who don’t go along with an increasingly radical green agenda. Eight government scientists were recently fired or reassigned after voicing concerns to their superiors about faulty environmental science used for policy decisions.” [YouTube video available also]

NOAA Temperature Fraud Expands

Reported By on 2013-01-13 

 “The current NOAA claim is that 2012 is 1.0 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than 1998, but 1934 used to be 1.1 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than 1998. This means that prior to adjustment, 1934 was hotter than 2012…. A cooling trend has been turned into a warming trend, by adjusting the data. NOAA makes bold press releases based on hugely altered data, and makes no mention that the data is altered. Then when called out, they claim  that the adjustments are small, when in fact the adjustments are larger than the trend. The 1930s used to be by far the hottest decade, before the data was adjusted.”

Nation’s Landmarks Feel Temperature Extremes

Reported By on 2013-01-13 

 Bitterly cold temperatures gripped the West. In Arizona, the Grand Canyon airport observed a low of 20 degrees below zero Sunday morning. That appeared to tie the all-time record low for the Grand Canyon since records began in 1976, previously set Dec. 23, 1990 and on the first two days of February 1985…. Extremes were part of a stark division between very cold air in the West and balmy air covering most of the East… West Yellowstone, Mont., dropped to 39 below zero Sunday morning.

Was 2012 the Hottest Year? Alarmists Blowing Hot Air Again

Reported By on 2013-01-10 

“NOAA has inflated the 2012 record maximum number by adding new stations which didn’t exist during the hot years of the 1930s. That is a completely illegitimate approach, suitable only for government workers. An apples to apples comparison uses only the same stations. When that is done, 2012 doesn’t even crack the ten hottest years.”