Cartoon bomb drawing gets special-needs student suspended

Reported by Fox News on 2013-10-16

A South Carolina mother says her son was suspended for drawing a picture of a cartoon bomb at home and bringing it to school. Amy Parham [said] her 13-year-old son, Rhett, was suspended from Hillcrest Middle School after showing the drawing to classmates, who reported him to administrators…. ‘They knew he was not actually having a bomb, creating or making a bomb. But that they could not go with out making an example of him and take some type of action because they were worried about their perception’….

Zero tolerance = zero brains… Just drawing a picture of a bomb, or of a gun, or knife, is absolutely not grounds for suspending a student, and certainly no child should be “made an example of” in order to preserve somebody’s image. The administrators knew there was no danger, therefore they should have taken no action.

School slaps teen for doing the right thing

Reported by The Boston Herald on 2013-10-13

North Andover [MA] High School stripped Erin Cox … of her position as captain of the volleyball team and suspended her for five games after she got swept up in an underage drinking bust while picking up a friend who was too drunk to drive at a party just as police arrived….

Another case of school administrators with exhibiting zero good judgment by enforcing an idiotic zero tolerance policy.

Student suspended 10 days for accidentally bringing pocket knife to football game

Reported by on 2013-09-18

A 16-year-old boy was suspended this week for reporting to a security guard at a Friday night football game that he had a pocket knife with him. [He] was asked to leave the game immediately… On Monday, he was handed a 10-day out-of-school suspension.

Ridiculous. The security guard should have simply escorted the young man to the gate so the knife could be put in his car or brought home, and then he should have allowed the boy to return to the game. Instead, he reported him to the principal, who committed the second injustice, giving the boy a suspension. A zero tolerance policy? I have zero tolerance for idiotic zero tolerance policies.