On Monday, April 18th, a US District Court judge struck down the CDC mass transit mask mandate. Three days later, in an interview with Kasie Hunt of CNN, Dr. Fauci furthered his qualifications for the more appropriate title of “Fuhrer Fauci”. Here’s part of what he said:
Continue reading “Fuhrer Fauci”Tag: Covid-19 Vaccines
Kyrie’s Uneven Playing Field
For months of this NBA season Kyrie Irving missed all home games and some away games due to his principled and impressive stand against being forced to be injected with an experimental and, for most people, completely unnecessary innoculation.
Kryie’s stand won a tremendous amount of respect from me and from many others.
But On March 24th, that changed.
The COVID vaccines are failing fast
In an article published yesterday on The Blaze, Daniel Horowitz brought to light a preponderance of information and statistics demonstrating that the COVID-19 vaccines are failing, and failing fast.
Continue reading “The COVID vaccines are failing fast”England ends several COVID mandates, restrictions and passports
Restrictions including COVID-19 passes, mask mandates, and work-from-home guidance will be removed in England, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Wednesday…..
“As COVID becomes endemic, we will need to replace legal requirements with advice and guidance, urging people with the virus to be careful and considerate of others,” the prime minister said….
But he refused to reconsider the vaccination mandate for frontline health care workers, insisting “the evidence is clear that health care professionals should get vaccinated.”
… Johnson told MPs that the Cabinet decided to remove its so-called “Plan B” measures on Wednesday morning as data suggest the Omicron wave has peaked nationally, and he attributed stabilising hospital admission numbers to “the extraordinary booster campaign” and the public’s compliance to the restriction measures.
Our Commentary:
This is very good news, and a great step in the right direction. However, the refusal to remove vaccination mandates for health care workers is extremely unfortunate, as no vaccination mandate is ever justified. Healthcare workers are smart enough and experienced enough to make their own choices about their own medical care, and the majority of the unvaccinated have doubtless already had COVID, and therefore have superior natural immunity. Never mind the fact that the vaccinated are now more likely to get and transmit COVID than the unvaccinated.
International scientists make case against vaccinating children
“Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19” is a great question, one posed by many, including by a group of international scientists who published the evidence against vaccinating children in the scientific journal Toxicology Reports.
Continue reading “International scientists make case against vaccinating children”Pfizer Trial Vaccine Recipients All-Cause Deaths Outpaced Placebo Group Deaths
The ultimate purpose of a vaccine is to prevent the death of those who are vaccinated. In its initial blind clinical trial period of the vaccine, 15 vaccinated participants died, compared to 14 people in the placebo group. After un-blinding the study, and after violating trial protocol and providing vaccines to the members of the placebo group (goodbye long-term study control group), there were five more deaths, bringing the number of deaths among vaccinated to 20, compared to 14 among unvaccinated.

Pfizer claims that “none of these deaths were considered to be related” to the vaccination. I’d be interested in seeing the details. Regardless, measured by deaths, Pfizer’s own trial provides reasonable doubt about the vaccine’s ultimate efficacy.