Cartoon bomb drawing gets special-needs student suspended

Reported by Fox News on 2013-10-16

A South Carolina mother says her son was suspended for drawing a picture of a cartoon bomb at home and bringing it to school. Amy Parham [said] her 13-year-old son, Rhett, was suspended from Hillcrest Middle School after showing the drawing to classmates, who reported him to administrators…. ‘They knew he was not actually having a bomb, creating or making a bomb. But that they could not go with out making an example of him and take some type of action because they were worried about their perception’….

Zero tolerance = zero brains… Just drawing a picture of a bomb, or of a gun, or knife, is absolutely not grounds for suspending a student, and certainly no child should be “made an example of” in order to preserve somebody’s image. The administrators knew there was no danger, therefore they should have taken no action.

Parents outraged over highly intrusive school survey

Reported by The Blaze on 2013-10-16

What’s your religion? Your sexual orientation? Your parents’ political affiliation? Should “assault rifles” be banned? Who’s to blame for the government shutdown? Do these sound like questions that high school sophomores should have to answer? A Maryland high school that is “Common Core” compliant — as described to TheBlaze by a representative — allegedly administered a survey to its sophomore class that pried for personal information….

Schools have zero business asking for this kind of information from students. None of the info has anything at all to do with the education the students should be getting. It is high time that schools returned their focus to the fundamentals, and stopped trying to indoctrinate students socially and politically with progressive propaganda.

High school play features bestiality and incest

Reported by The Blaze on 2013-10-13

Let’s say your house is humming along in first weeks of a brand-new high school year, and one day you find out your kid’s in an acting class that’s putting on a play with some questionable content. Like man-in-love-with-a-goat questionable. Like bestiality questionable. Incest, too. And perhaps unsurprisingly, other sexually explicit content and a fair dose of swear words. All acted out and starring teenagers. That’s the news many parents received when it came to light that drama teacher Andrew Cupo of Cactus Shadows High School in Scottsdale, Ariz., introduced students in an advanced acting class to an absurdist play called ‘The Goat, or Who Is Sylvia?’ by Edward Albee.

My first thought? What kind of a pervert has the school unleashed upon impressionable children? My second thought: That kind of absolute trash has no place in a high school, even if parents are “notified” (which they were not).

School slaps teen for doing the right thing

Reported by The Boston Herald on 2013-10-13

North Andover [MA] High School stripped Erin Cox … of her position as captain of the volleyball team and suspended her for five games after she got swept up in an underage drinking bust while picking up a friend who was too drunk to drive at a party just as police arrived….

Another case of school administrators with exhibiting zero good judgment by enforcing an idiotic zero tolerance policy.

Teacher makes students decide who lives, who dies

Reported by Fox News on 2013-10-10

A classroom of 14 and 15-year-old Illinois high school students was assigned the task of deciding the fate of ten fictional characters in an exercise that critics called a lesson in death panels…. The lesson involves 10 people who are in desperate need of kidney dialysis…. But there’s a problem. The local hospital only has enough machines to support six patients.

There was a time in America when the obvious answer to such a “dilemma” was to harness the power of capitalism and build more dialysis machines. In a Socialist world, however, the reality is shortages of just about everything, and, ultimately, yes, death panels. But, putting aside that stark eventuality, I can’t help but wonder why we can’t just focus on teaching kids, the four R’s: Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, and RESPECT — especially respect for human life and liberty.

Teacher urges students to fail, resigns

Reported by on 2013-10-10

A Reynoldsburg [Ohio] middle-school teacher who is accused of telling her gifted students to fail a science pretest … resigned yesterday…. The science assessment was part of the district’s new evaluation system, where teachers will be graded in part by how much their students improve over the school year. Student academic growth accounts for half of a teacher’s evaluation….

It goes without saying that this “teacher” should be out of a job, and probably should never teach again. Regarding the district’s evaluation of teachers based on student improvement, I’m not a fan. Students — and their teachers — should be evaluated on achieving high standards in reading, writing and math, not on mere improvement.

School principal asks police officer not to wear uniform

Reported by Fox News on 2013-10-03

He’s not the type of armed man on campus you’d expect parents to be concerned about — but apparently a police officer dropping off his daughter at school was just too scary for some parents in Mesa. And the school principal actually called that officer to ask him not to wear his uniform on campus ever again…..

Even worse than the silly, irrational parents that were concerned about a police officer carrying a gun is the mindless principal who caved to their outlandish request.


School forces student to change shirt with silhouette of a hunter

Reported by The Blaze on 2013-10-03

…Haley Bullwinkle … never thought her [shirt] choice would get her sent to the office with a request to change her so-called ‘violent’ attire. Her shirt showed the silhouette of a hunter with the words ‘National Rifle Association of America: Protecting America’s Traditions Since 1871.” … Haley was sent to the principal’s office and was given a school-issued shirt to change into.

Yet another irrational attack on both First and Second Amendment rights. The leftists are doing everything they can to brainwash our children with the bone-headed belief that guns are evil.

School shows students pro-Obama I Pledge video

Reported by Fox News on 2013-09-27

A Wisconsin middle school in the Hudson School District played the pro-Obama “I Pledge” video as part of their Peace One Day event. The video features brainless celebrities pledging allegiance to Barack Obama. For example, rock singer Anthony Kiedis says “I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama”, while actress Demi Moore proclaims “I pledge to be a servant to our president.” It is mind-boggling that anybody would make such idiotic pledges, and it is outrageous that supposedly intelligent school administrators would suppose for even one second that showing such brazen outlandish political propaganda in school would ever be appropriate. Such crap is reminiscent of Nazi Germany and Stalin’s USSR, and is contrary to every ideal that founded and made America great.

LA school system’s free IPAD debacle

Reported by The Los Angeles Times on 2013-09-26

It took exactly one week for nearly 300 students at Roosevelt High School to hack through security so they could surf the Web on their new school-issued iPads, raising new concerns about a plan to distribute the devices to all students in the district….

Once again, government proves its incompetence when it comes to… well, anything at all. You want inefficiency? Implementation problems? Waste? Loads of unintended consequences? Then let the government do it. As Ronald Reagan once said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.'”