Tag: Politics
The Truth is Not in Them
Would you trust him with your money and your customers? I wouldn’t.
“He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is also in much” (Luke 16:10).
In other words, someone who is not trustworthy in small matters, is not someone you can trust with larger things.
Are Liberals Liberal?
Of course the answer to that question comes down to the meaning of the word liberal.
Pelosi Deserves a Big Pay Cut
Perhaps having their own bottom line threatened will get them to pass a budget. Hopefully a reasonable one. (I’m not holding my breath.)
But Pelosi doesn’t think Congressional pay cuts should be part of the penalty. She believes pay cuts are beneath her “dignity”.
Dr. Benjamin Carson for President
That does not make me racist, contrary to the ridiculous accusation that is frequently and unjustly applied to people like me who are ardently anti-Obama.
Frankly, I don’t care one iota what race someone is. I care about what the person believes in and stands for — the content of their character, not the color of their skin, as Martin Luther King preached [ref].
Harry the Hypocrite
A filibuster is a tactic historically used by members of a minority party — Democrat or Republican — to prevent bipartisan legislation from being rammed through the Senate by the majority party. A filibuster can only be stopped by a 60 vote majority, a tally that typically requires partisan support to achieve.
The really sad thing about Harry Reid’s threat is that it utterly exposes Harry Reid for what he is: a hypocrite. The proof is in Reid’s own prior opposition to limiting filibusters.
The Cult of Obama
With Obama’s recent re-election, the Obama “cult” of personality is bigger than ever. Obama even seems to be moving up from pop star status to a sort of religious icon.
Some recent examples:
Why Hide from a Recount?
Murphy’s reported margin of victory was narrow. Originally just 2,442 votes, out of over 330,000. After it was discovered that machines double counted some of the pre-election day ballots, a partial recount of 16,275 ballots cast between November 1 to November 3 resulted in a 799 vote swing in West’s favor [ref].
Because of the double counting, as well as reported voter turnout in excess of 100% (141% is what West claimed, which I have not verified), West is requesting a full recount, including an audit of votes to compare voter signatures with total ballots counted.
Obama and Freedom of the Press
Over the last couple of weeks the Obama administration has been critical of Fox News, and has even gone so far as to attempt to exclude Fox News from participating in press conferences, and to encourage other media outlets to sever ties with Fox News because, according to Obama’s top political adviser, David Axelrod, Fox News is “not really a news station”, and other news organizations “ought not to treat them that way” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-w7-G8PLyc).
These recent events raise some important questions:
- Is Fox News a legitimate news organization?
- Why is the White House upset with Fox News?
- Should the White House try to exclude Fox News?
A Disregard for Truth
They say that loose lips sink ships. Well, lying lips sink political campaigns. Or at least they should.
Richard Blumenthal received numerous draft deferments between 1965 and 1970, before ending up with a cushy assignment in the Marine Reserve. In this way he avoided serving in Vietnam. Yet several times he has outright claimed to have served in Vietnam. On other occasions his own words or the uncorrected words of others have led people to believe that he had served in Vietnam [ref].