But he shouldn’t have been out there.
Texas A&M University and the NCAA confirmed today that there is no evidence that quarterback Johnny Manziel received money in exchange for autographs, based on currently available information and statements by Manziel. [ref]
I guess there is an eensy weensy possibility that Manziel spent hours tediously autographing 1000s of items for memorabilia brokers without receiving compensation. I, for one, don’t buy it.
Innocent until proven guilty, yes. However, if the NCAA has any integrity at all they will continue the investigation, will uncover solid evidence of payment (I predict), and will throw the book at Manziel.
Until then, the NCAA will have to endure having its nose rubbed in it, as Manziel arrogantly celebrates his on-the-field successes with a two-handed “money money” sign, rubbing his thumbs against his first and second fingers.