Dr. Benjamin Carson for President

If you’ve been reading Truth is Reason, then you know that I absolutely do not support Barack Obama’s presidency.

That does not make me racist, contrary to the ridiculous accusation that is frequently and unjustly applied to people like me who are ardently anti-Obama.

Frankly, I don’t care one iota what race someone is. I care about what the person believes in and stands for — the content of their character, not the color of their skin, as Martin Luther King preached [ref].

Continue reading “Dr. Benjamin Carson for President”

More Gun Laws

(This is an edited version of an email I received, author unknown.) 

A few thoughts on more gun laws:

A person steals several guns (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW),
shoots and kills his own mother (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW),
transports loaded guns (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW),
brings guns onto school property (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW),
breaks into the school (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW),
discharges the guns within city limits (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW),
murders 26 people (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW),
and commits suicide (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW).

But there are people in this country that somehow think passing MORE GUN LAWS would protect us from someone like this.

If you haven’t noticed, people like this are not concerned about obeying laws — they only care about satisfying their own twisted desires.

The only people that additional gun legislation would impact are LAW ABIDING CITIZENS, which will only serve to cripple their ability to protect themselves and their loved ones, friends and neighbors.

A Doomsday Provision

The following is by a Truth is Reason reader from Connecticut

Guns are not the problem.

Is everyone up in arms to take cars away from law abiding citizens because some choose — yes choose — to drink and drive?!?

We already have strict laws against drunk driving, so why are there still drunk driving fatalities? Maybe we need to make the laws even more strict? That should do it!!!

Banning guns from law abiding citizens will not prevent criminals and the criminally insane from obtaining guns or other means to carry out their crimes.

Report shows UN admitting solar activity may play significant role in global warming

Reported By Fox News on 2013-02-01 

“A leaked report by a United Nations’ group dedicated to climate studies says that heat from the sun may play a larger role than previously thought…. Even after the IPCC acknowledges extensive evidence for … solar forcing beyond what they included in their models, they still make no attempt to account for this omission in their predictions.”