Reported By on 2014-02-01
“A 44-year-old man on crutches fatally shot one of two intruders who came charging at him Friday morning in the Heart of Chicago neighborhood, according to police…. The 44-year-old homeowner was sleeping when his frightened 18-year-old daughter woke him up, then told him that she heard noises and thought someone was breaking into the apartment behind theirs, according to a police report…. At first she thought the noise was a heater in that apartment but after she heard something fall, she locked the door that separates the two residences, the report said. The man … did not see anyone at first, so he returned to his bedroom to get his gun. When he went back to the rear apartment, he saw two intruders charging towards him so he shot at them, according to the report. Both burglars stopped, turned around and ran back towards the back door, but one of them collapsed and fell to the floor. Two men were seen running away and yelling gang slogans….”