An Inconvenient Truth About Fracking

Reported By on 2013-12-26 

 “…A new study by the University of Texas found the [fracking] process actually saves water and prevents droughts. ‘The bottom line is that hydraulic fracturing, by boosting natural gas production and moving the state from water-intensive coal technologies, makes our electric power system more drought-resilient,’ Bridget Scanlon, senior research scientist at UT’s Bureau of Economic Geology, said. For every gallon of water used by fracking, Texas saved 33 gallons by using that water to produce electricity from natural gas instead of coal.”

Antarctic sea ice hits 35-year record high

Reported By on 2013-11-04 

“Antarctic sea ice has grown to a record large extent for a second straight year, baffling scientists seeking to understand why this ice is expanding rather than shrinking in a warming world. On Saturday, the ice extent reached 19.51 million square kilometers, according to data posted on the National Snow and Ice Data Center Web site.  That number bested record high levels set earlier this month and in 2012 (of 19.48 million square kilometers). Records date back to October 1978.”

Al Gore: Civilization may not survive next 100 years

Reported By on 2013-09-30 

 “What’s at risk [in 100 years] if we do not take action, truly is the survival of civilization as we know it… Literally that is the case. We have seen global warming so far of just a little bit less than one degree Celsius and look at what’s happened. Superstorm Sandy. Boulder Colorado. All these fires. Hurricane Irene one year before.” [You don’t have to be a scientist to know that Gore is blowing enough hot air to single-handedly melt the polar ice caps…]

Climategate II: Scientists pushed to hide data

Reported By Fox News on 2013-09-20 

“Leaked documents obtained by The Associated Press show there are deep concerns among governments over how to address the issue ahead of next week’s meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change….. Several governments that reviewed the draft objected to how the issue was tackled, in comments to the IPCC obtained by the AP. Germany called for the reference to the slowdown to be deleted, saying a time span of 10-15 years was misleading in the context of climate change, which is measured over decades and centuries….”

Threat of man-made global warming greatly exaggerated, new study

Reported By Fox News on 2013-09-18 

 A peer-reviewed climate change study released Wednesday by the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change finds the threat of man-made global warming to be not only greatly exaggerated but so small as to be ’embedded within the background variability of the natural climate system’ and not dangerous…. ‘Point to the model that predicted this hiatus,’ one of the authors said. ‘No increase in violent weather , no increase in hurricanes. All of this and we’re still supposed to believe the models… models they picked because they supported their political interests, not because they represented good science.’

Climate models wildly overestimated global warming, study finds

Reported By Fox News on 2013-09-12 

“A new study in the journal Nature Climate Change compared 117 climate predictions made in the 1990’s to the actual amount of warming. Out of 117 predictions … three were roughly accurate and 114 overestimated the amount of warming. On average, the predictions forecasted two times more global warming than actually occurred.”

Hurricane season a dud despite dire predictions

Reported By on 2013-09-07 

 “The preseason predictions were all dire, using words like ‘extremely active’ and ‘above-normal’ to describe the forecast for the 2013 Atlantic hurricane season…. However, the season so far has been a welcome if unexpected dud, with not a single hurricane yet through the first week of September…. In fact, the season is about to enter record territory for its unusual lack of hurricanes….”