It is Way Past Time to Stop the Insanity

There is a really, really good reason why women’s sports are separate from men’s sports. In virtually every team sport, if men and women had co-ed teams there would be zero women playing on those teams. And in most individual sports women would never get close to making the cut, never mind medaling or getting a scholarship or a decent paycheck. Men are simply on average so much bigger, faster and stronger than women, that even the very best women athletes cannot compete.

This is not even debatable.

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The Sound of Guilt

My family and I recently went to the movie theatre and watched the surprise hit movie Sound of Freedom.

What did I think of it? Entertaining and disturbing. Those are two words that Sound of Freedom call to mind.

Another word that now comes to mind is QAnon.

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Becoming Superman

I was a young impressionable six-year-old the night we went to the movie theatre to watch Superman, the one starring Christopher Reeves. I was in awe. He was so real to me, there on the big screen. I knew right then that I wanted to be Superman.

I wanted to be called Clark Kent at school, so my mom sent a note to the principal, who gave it to all the teachers. My teacher kept calling me by my old name, which made me mad.

My first cape was a red towel safety-pinned to a blue shirt. I spent hours running around the house, jumping off chairs, practicing my flying skills from the back of the couch. When my parents called me by my given name I’d tell them “no, I’m Superman”, and they’d tell me, “yes, son, you can be anything you want to be.”

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Better that a Millstone

It took a few years, but I finally watched the movie “The Kite Runner”. It now makes the cut as one of my favorite movie dramas. I highly recommend it.

The story, historical fiction, was thought-provoking, compelling and inspiring. It was also very disturbing, because it dealt with the repulsive, revolting reality of the rape of children by depraved sub-human scum.

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Why a child of a gay father opposes same-sex marriage

Excepted from an article by Dawn Stefanowicz, published April 13, 2015 by The Daily Signal

…. Due to media silencing, political correctness, GLBT lobbying efforts and loss of freedom of speech, it is very hard to tell my story.

But I am not alone. Over 50 adult children from alternative households, plus ex-spouses with children, and parents who have left the “gay” lifestyle have contacted me. Very few children will share their stories publicly.

For many of us adult children of gay parents, we have come to the conclusion that same-sex marriage is more about promoting adults’ “desires” than about safeguarding children’s rights to know and be raised by their biological parents.

I feel so strongly about this issue that I have testified before lawmakers in Canada, regarding hate crime legislation, same-sex marriage and age of consent laws, and I have testified in nine U.S. states, to the 5th Circuit and to the Supreme Court, and in other countries.

Statements like this are lies: “Permitting same-sex couples (now also throuples) access to the designation of marriage will not deprive anyone of any rights.”….

Read the entire article on The Daily Signal

The truth, in love: No one is born gay

Excerpted from an article by Michael L. Brown, published 9/8/2014 by OneNewsNow

If there was reputable scientific evidence that some people were born homosexual, I would have no problem accepting this. After all, my theology tells me that as human beings, we are all created in God’s image and yet we are a fallen race – and so all of us carry aspects of that fallen nature to the core of our being, and that could theoretically include homosexuality. 

But the fact is that there is simply no reputable scientific evidence that anyone is born gay.

As stated by gay activist and history professor John D’Emilio, “‘Born gay’ is an idea with a large constituency, LGBT and otherwise. It’s an idea designed to allay the ingrained fears of a homophobic society and the internalized fears of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. What’s most amazing to me about the ‘born gay’ phenomenon is that the scientific evidence for it is thin as a reed, yet it doesn’t matter. It’s an idea with such social utility that one doesn’t need much evidence in order to make it attractive and credible.”

In other words, because the “born gay” idea has proved so useful, the fact that there’s virtually no scientific support for the theory hardly matters. It’s an idea that has worked wonders for gay activists and their allies….

Read More at OneNewsNow

Middle school football coach plans Hooters party for team

Reported by on 2013-11-05

Corbett Middle School [Portland, OR] football coach Randall Burbach has been fired for planning an awards dinner at a Jantzen Beach Hooters….

Big kudos to the school administrators that fired the coach. Regarding the coach, it is people like Randall Burbach that are rotting our educational system and society.

Teacher fired for allegedly giving minors alcohol, condoms

Reported by on 2013-10-17

A South Florida teacher has been fired after she is accused of providing students with alcohol and condoms. The Miami-Dade School Board terminated Isabel Diaz Almaraz on Wednesday for acting inappropriately with students…. Almaraz was a full-time dance teacher at South Miami High School. The district first began to investigate Almaraz because of several complaints from parents….

Kudos to the school district for firing the teacher. Teacher misbehavior (too nice a word) is way too common. There should be near-zero tolerance for this type of bad behavior from teachers.

High school play features bestiality and incest

Reported by The Blaze on 2013-10-13

Let’s say your house is humming along in first weeks of a brand-new high school year, and one day you find out your kid’s in an acting class that’s putting on a play with some questionable content. Like man-in-love-with-a-goat questionable. Like bestiality questionable. Incest, too. And perhaps unsurprisingly, other sexually explicit content and a fair dose of swear words. All acted out and starring teenagers. That’s the news many parents received when it came to light that drama teacher Andrew Cupo of Cactus Shadows High School in Scottsdale, Ariz., introduced students in an advanced acting class to an absurdist play called ‘The Goat, or Who Is Sylvia?’ by Edward Albee.

My first thought? What kind of a pervert has the school unleashed upon impressionable children? My second thought: That kind of absolute trash has no place in a high school, even if parents are “notified” (which they were not).

Teacher makes students decide who lives, who dies

Reported by Fox News on 2013-10-10

A classroom of 14 and 15-year-old Illinois high school students was assigned the task of deciding the fate of ten fictional characters in an exercise that critics called a lesson in death panels…. The lesson involves 10 people who are in desperate need of kidney dialysis…. But there’s a problem. The local hospital only has enough machines to support six patients.

There was a time in America when the obvious answer to such a “dilemma” was to harness the power of capitalism and build more dialysis machines. In a Socialist world, however, the reality is shortages of just about everything, and, ultimately, yes, death panels. But, putting aside that stark eventuality, I can’t help but wonder why we can’t just focus on teaching kids, the four R’s: Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, and RESPECT — especially respect for human life and liberty.