What Silver Should Do About Sterling

Donald Sterling, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, was allegedly recorded making racist comments during a private conversation with his “girlfriend”. Now, just about everybody is calling for Sterling’s head, and NBA Commissioner Adam Silver is under tremendous pressure to severely punish Sterling. What should Silver do to Sterling?

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Right to Discriminate

“Daddy, where’s mommy?”
“She’ll be home later.”
“But daddy, today’s my birthday! Why isn’t she here?”
“She had to go somewhere, honey.”
“Where did she have to go?”
“Well dear, she had to go to ‘sensitivity training’.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s hard to explain.”
“Well, a while ago at her print shop she told a customer she wouldn’t print something she objected to, and she got in trouble for that.”
“So they made her go somewhere?”
“Yes, to sensitivity training.”
“What does that mean?”
“Well, that’s where the government tries to force you to change your beliefs.”

The inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are not collective rights. They are individual rights.
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Justice Severed

Almost everything about the Zimmerman Martin saga reeks of injustice.
Everything except the verdict.
Perhaps the biggest injustice of all — certainly the most public — was when a very un-presidential Obama declared that if he had a son, his son would look like Trayvon Martin. This outrageous and extremely ill-advised statement fueled the flames of bigotry and intolerance that already senselessly raged around the incident.

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Dr. Benjamin Carson for President

If you’ve been reading Truth is Reason, then you know that I absolutely do not support Barack Obama’s presidency.

That does not make me racist, contrary to the ridiculous accusation that is frequently and unjustly applied to people like me who are ardently anti-Obama.

Frankly, I don’t care one iota what race someone is. I care about what the person believes in and stands for — the content of their character, not the color of their skin, as Martin Luther King preached [ref].

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