UN official reveals real reason behind warming scare

Reported By news.investors.com on 2015-02-10

“The alarmists keep telling us their concern about global warming is all about man’s stewardship of the environment. But we know that’s not true. A United Nations official has now confirmed this. At a news conference last week in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism….”

Elderly man uses concealed weapon to defend against masked armed robbers

;Reported By NBC News on 2015-02-06 

 “A masked suspect, who police say tried to rob a man using a [pellet] gun, is dead after the victim shot him in the head…. A 67-year-old man was walking when he was confronted by two masked men. One was carrying a stick and the other a gun. The man then pulled out his own .38 caliber handgun and shot one of the suspects in the head, police said. That man, who police say is in his late teens or early 20’s, died at the scene…. the [pellet gun] looked like a real weapon and police didn’t know it was a fake until they got a close look at it….”

Falling Up

Growing up I remember a plaque that hung on the wall of my father’s home office. It had a cartoon picture of a short, fat-nosed man with a wheelbarrow full of lemons, with a caption that read: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

That’s exactly what Meg Johnson did. On March 6, 2004, while hiking the red rock formations of St. George, Utah, Meg hopped over a rock, and plummeted 35 feet to the bottom of a cliff, breaking her back, resulting in paralysis of her legs and partial upper body paralysis.

Talk about lemons — more than a wheelbarrow full of reasons to be sour about life. And for a while that was how life was for Meg, until she found a way to make “lemonade” out of her trial. This moving video, produced by nCourage.tv, briefly yet beautifully tells Megan’s story:

Homeowner shoots home invader

;Reported By www.clickorlando.com on 2015-02-05 

 “David Como said he was lying in bed, watching TV, when he heard a noise. ‘I grabbed my pistol and walked out my bedroom door and there was a man coming toward me, so I shot him,’ said Como, adding that he used non-lethal rounds.  ‘It’s varmint-load, rat shot, whatever you want to call it.  I had a .44 Magnum right next to me, but I chose to use the non-lethal rounds.’ Como said the intruder stole some welders, tools, a chainsaw and his pickup truck, which he used to flee…. No one inside the home was injured. ‘My family is pretty shook up, but I’m alright.  I got grandkids that are shook up, and my daughter and wife are all pretty shaken,’ Como said. A search for the intruder … was ongoing for hours before he was captured Thursday afternoon….”

Young girl uses her own shotgun to scare of home invaders

;Reported By www.mlive.com on 2015-02-02 —
“An 11-year-old girl used the shotgun she normally keeps to go hunting with her father to scare off a robber in her home, police said…. The girl was alone at … about 3:45 p.m. on Jan. 30 when police said she surprised burglars who had broken into the house. The girl hid in a bathroom closet, where she grabbed her shotgun that police said she stores in a gun safe. When one of the burglars opened the closet door, police said the girl

whose parents were due home from work a short time later

pointed the shotgun at him and he ran off…. Two Detroit residents were arraigned on charges Sunday in connection with the incident….”