Child Killers. Hang ’em.

On February 18th 2013 a 10-year-old little girl was kidnapped as she walked home from a friend’s house in Springfield, Missouri. A couple days later Hailey Owens’ dead body was found across town in the basement of a fiend’s house, with a gunshot to the head and who knows what other injuries inflicted upon her. [ref]

Craig Michael Wood, a 45-year-old middle-school football coach had snatched Hailey from the street in plain view of neighbors, racing her off to her doom, and to what should without question be his own doom.

Who can reasonably say that Wood shouldn’t get the death penalty?


Justice Severed

Almost everything about the Zimmerman Martin saga reeks of injustice.
Everything except the verdict.
Perhaps the biggest injustice of all — certainly the most public — was when a very un-presidential Obama declared that if he had a son, his son would look like Trayvon Martin. This outrageous and extremely ill-advised statement fueled the flames of bigotry and intolerance that already senselessly raged around the incident.

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Good Riddance

Christopher Dorner is probably dead, his charred body found in the cabin he apparently set on fire after shooting himself [ref].

Good riddance.

He killed innocent people. He was a terrorist. He was a psychopath.

I don’t care whether he could have been medically declared insane or not. Anybody who murders innocent people as Dorner did is psychologically messed up.

Sadly, there are people almost as crazy as Dorner was who are trying to justify his actions, even calling him a hero [ref].

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More Gun Control, More Murders

Washington D.C. has one of the highest murder rates in the U.S. It also has perhaps the strictest gun control laws [ref, ref]. In 1976 D.C. passed a law that essentially prohibited residents from carrying firearms, and required privately owned firearms to be kept unloaded and inoperable. In 2008 the U.S. Supreme court struck down the law as constitutional. During D.C.’s unconstitutional gun ban its murder rate was 73% higher than prior to the law’s enactment [ref].

Police Lieutenant Lowell Duckett, President of the Black Police Caucus, and Special Assistant to the Washington D.C. Police Chief had this say about gun control in Washington D.C.:

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