Harry the Hypocrite

The Associated Press reported on Nov. 30 that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NEV) is threatening to “take the unusual step of using a simple majority vote to limit filibusters.” [ref]

A filibuster is a tactic historically used by members of a minority party — Democrat or Republican — to prevent bipartisan legislation from being rammed through the Senate by the majority party. A filibuster can only be stopped by a 60 vote majority, a tally that typically requires partisan support to achieve.

The really sad thing about Harry Reid’s threat is that it utterly exposes Harry Reid for what he is: a hypocrite. The proof is in Reid’s own prior opposition to limiting filibusters.

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The Pathway to Death Pathways

Speaking of Obamacare in one of the 2012 presidential debates, Mitt Romney asserted that Obamacare “puts in place an unelected board that’s going to tell people, ultimately, what kind of treatments they can have.” [ref]

Obama’s reply danced around Romney’s accusation: “this … unelected board that we’ve created — what this is, is a group of health care experts, doctors, et cetera, to figure out how we can reduce the cost of care in the system overall.” [ref]

How do you reduce the cost of care? You ration it. You “tell people, ultimately, what kind of treatments they can have.”

Scientists Pen Open Climate Letter to UN Secretary General: The Science is Unclear

Reported By opinion.financialpost.com on 2012-11-29 

 “We the undersigned, qualified in climate-related matters, wish to state that current scientific knowledge does not substantiate your [global warming] assertions…. Climate changes naturally all the time, sometimes dramatically. The hypothesis that our emissions of CO2 have caused, or will cause, dangerous warming is not supported by the evidence…. There is no sound reason for the costly, restrictive public policy decisions proposed at the U.N. climate conference in Qatar. Rigorous analysis of unbiased observational data does not support the projections of future global warming predicted by computer models now proven to exaggerate warming and its effects….”

A Week in Jerusalem

I was catching up on news about the violence in the Middle East when the article “My week in Jerusalem when rockets fell on the Holy City”, by Rabbi Abraham Cooper, caught my attention. I think what Rabbi Cooper wrote is compelling, so I had to share it. Here are three paragraphs that I think are particularly salient. Below is a link to the full article.

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Gore Seeks to Stoke Climate Hysteria with Fire Tornado Footage

PictureAn unrelated photo of a Fire Tornado

Last September filmmaker Chris Tangey was filming in the Australian outback when he captured footage of a rare fire tornado. Twice since then people working for Al Gore (staffer Jill Martin, then Climate Reality Project producer Andrea Smith) have tried to purchase rights to the video [ref].

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Why Hide from a Recount?

The 2012 election is over — almost. Among the “loose ends” (such a term trivializes something that is not at all trivial) is the Florida Congressional seat purportedly lost by Republican Allen West to Democrat challenger Patrick Murphy.

Murphy’s reported margin of victory was narrow. Originally just 2,442 votes, out of over 330,000. After it was discovered that machines double counted some of the pre-election day ballots, a partial recount of 16,275 ballots cast between November 1 to November 3 resulted in a 799 vote swing in West’s favor [ref].

Because of the double counting, as well as reported voter turnout in excess of 100% (141% is what West claimed, which I have not verified), West is requesting a full recount, including an audit of votes to compare voter signatures with total ballots counted.

The Global Warming Gestapo

You don’t even have to know anything about science to understand that there is something seriously wrong with claims of imminent disaster from so-called man-made global warming. You don’t even have to pay attention to the weather. All you have to do is examine the rhetoric and actions of the global warming alarmists.

The Climate Change Conspiracy

Have you paused to wonder why we are no longer being bombarded with “global warming” messages, but somehow it has become “climate change” that we need to be afraid of?

Could it be because “global warming” is not really a problem? Definitely. But the point of this post isn’t to get into the Global Warming “debate”. Mother Nature has already put the topic to bed for anyone who has been paying attention to the weather for the last several years. Rather, this post is to examine why the message changed from “global warming” to “climate change”.

Continue reading “The Climate Change Conspiracy”

Obama and Freedom of the Press

Over the last couple of weeks the Obama administration has been critical of Fox News, and has even gone so far as to attempt to exclude Fox News from participating in press conferences, and to encourage other media outlets to sever ties with Fox News because, according to Obama’s top political adviser, David Axelrod, Fox News is “not really a news station”, and other news organizations “ought not to treat them that way” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-w7-G8PLyc).

These recent events raise some important questions:

  1. Is Fox News a legitimate news organization?
  2. Why is the White House upset with Fox News?
  3. Should the White House try to exclude Fox News?

Continue reading “Obama and Freedom of the Press”