The Sound of Guilt

My family and I recently went to the movie theatre and watched the surprise hit movie Sound of Freedom.

What did I think of it? Entertaining and disturbing. Those are two words that Sound of Freedom call to mind.

Another word that now comes to mind is QAnon.

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How a curmudgeonly old reporter exposed the FIFA scandal that toppled Sepp Blatter

Below I’ve excerpted and linked to a fantastic article about Andrew Jennings, the investigative reporter that exposed the rampant corruption in FIFA.

It is an absolute crying shame that the vast majority of reporters are NOT like Jennings. Instead, most are unethical, cowardly suck-up shills for the rich and powerful. They won’t hold the politicians, celebrities or tycoons accountable because they are afraid they’ll lose access to them, or that they’ll burn a bridge to a possible next job.

Excerpted from an article by Micheal E. Miller, published June 3, 2015 in The Washington Post
Jennings is an advocate of slow, methodical journalism. For half a century, the 71-year-old investigative reporter has been digging into complex, time-consuming stories about organized crime. In the 1980s, it was bad cops, the Thai heroin trade and the Italian mob. In the ’90s, he turned to sports, exposing corruption with the International Olympic Committee.

For the past 15 years, Jennings has focused on the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), international soccer’s governing body. As other journalists were ball watching — reporting scorelines or writing player profiles — Jennings was digging into the dirty deals underpinning the world’s most popular game….

Now, after decades of threats, suspicions about tapped phones and intermittent paychecks, Jennings is being vindicated with every twist and turn in the FIFA scandal….

“I’m a document hound. If I’ve got your documents, I know all about you,” [Jennings] said. “This journalism business is easy, you know. You just find some disgraceful, disgustingly corrupt people and you work on it! You have to. That’s what we do. The rest of the media gets far too cozy with them. It’s wrong. Your mother told you what was wrong. You know what’s wrong. Our job is to investigate, acquire evidence.”….

Read more at The Washington Post

Lands of the Free

I don’t know all the history and details of the Bundy cattle ranch controversy, but I do know one thing for certain: It’s high time the federal government relinquished its control over so-called “federal” lands.

Absolutely contrary to the Founder’s idea of federalism, the federal government has become a monolithic power whose tentacles invade and pervade everything, everywhere. Over the years states have willingly and unwillingly relinquished rights and powers to the federal government, including control of land within their own borders.

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Obama’s Temper Tantrum

(Submitted by a Truth is Reason reader)

Calling in extra people to close down the World War II Memorial is worse than absurd — it is outrageous. We haven’t the money to pay for good things for the American people, but we have the funds to harass freedom loving Americans?

Obama and his cohorts are carefully choosing their targets to make it hurt patriotic Americans, veterans who actually have served and love this Country, and those who would go out of their way to honor these veterans. The Democrats, those represented by Barack  H. Obama have made their intentions obvious in these actions.

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Obama’s Ever-expanding Enemies List

Back in December of 2012 I wrote an article titled “The IRS and Obama’s Enemies List“, detailing how the Obama administration was using the IRS to attack and intimidate political opponents. It wasn’t long afterwards that the IRS targeting scandal broke.

I could now add dozens of pages of additional damning evidence against Obama and his minions. At some point I may find the time to do that.

For now, I just want to mention one other conservative that the IRS targeted, undoubtedly at the behest of Obama or his aides.

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Money Money Manziel

Johnny Manziel played brilliantly in the second half of Texas A&M’s opener against Rice. He is a very talented football player.

But he shouldn’t have been out there.

The NCAA investigated Manziel’s autograph signing, supposedly found no evidence of Manziel taking money for signing autographs, and barely slapped him on the wrist with a 1/2 game suspension for failing to prevent others from making money from his likeness.

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The Truth is Not in Them

Suppose you manage a store, and you need to hire a cashier. You post a wanted ad, and receive numerous replies. You narrow your list to a few candidates you think are the most qualified, and personally interview each one. One of your leading candidates happens to have prior experience working somewhere you had also worked. During his interview he makes some false statements about his experience there. Do you hire him?
Heck no.

Would you trust him with your money and your customers? I wouldn’t.

“He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is also in much” (Luke 16:10).

In other words, someone who is not trustworthy in small matters, is not someone you can trust with larger things.