Love, War and Wealth Redistribution

I was sitting on an airline flight the other day, looking at all the empty seats around me, and this wonderfully “progressive” idea radiantly dawned upon my consciousness.

Why waste empty airplane seats??? Give them away to the poor! And save the world! No more half empty fuselages fuming fossil fuels for a fraction of the freight!

After all, it isn’t fair that the poor cannot afford to fly, and it is a travesty that fat cat corporate kingpins can get away with wasting our precious natural resources, including our limited supply of airplane seats.

Right? I mean, Left? I mean, are you with me? You do want to be fair, don’t you?

As the old saying goes, all’s fair in love, war and wealth redistribution. Isn’t it?

Lenin Toppled At Last

Today in Kiev, Ukraine, a statue of Vladimir Lenin was torn down, decapitated, and destroyed by anti-government protesters.

How nice to see a tribute to a devil toppled. The people of the Ukraine know the bitter fruits of Lenin’s Socialist revolution. They lived through the darkness, terror, murder, subjugation and poverty of Communist rule.

Sadly, there are still Lenin admirers and supporters that harbor the fantasy that Lenin’s aims and even his means were somehow righteous.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Continue reading “Lenin Toppled At Last”

Old Nancy Pelosi

In an interview on CNN, Nancy Pelosi made the astonishing claim that there is nothing that can be cut from the enormous $4 trillion annual federal budget.

“The cupboard is bare. There’s no more cuts to make,” Pelosi claimed. “It’s really important that people understand that.” [ref]

So, to help Pelosi’s effort to educate people about how bare the cupboard really is, I’ve written a little poem modeled after Old Mother Hubbard….

Continue reading “Old Nancy Pelosi”

Don’t Feed the Mouth that Bites You

There’s an old saying, not to bite the hand that feeds you. Sound advice, to be sure. Certainly there are lot of people in this country who remember that when they go to the polls.

Of course, as with most things, there is a flip side, another way to look at it: It’s also a really good idea not to feed the mouth that bites you.

If conservatives would only pay heed to the latter advice as well as socialists adhere to the former, perhaps we wouldn’t have had to suffer through a second term of Obama.

Don’t Cry for Chávez, Venezuela

Chávez should not be mourned. On the contrary, the death of a dictator is cause for celebration.

Yes, Chávez was a dictator. While he didn’t stoop to the depraved despotism of Stalin, Mao or Hitler, he was still a dictator.

Once Chávez obtained the power of presidency in 1999, he did everything he could to centralize and consolidate power into his own hands, trampling on individual liberties and private property rights in the process.

Continue reading “Don’t Cry for Chávez, Venezuela”

The Pathway to Death Pathways

Speaking of Obamacare in one of the 2012 presidential debates, Mitt Romney asserted that Obamacare “puts in place an unelected board that’s going to tell people, ultimately, what kind of treatments they can have.” [ref]

Obama’s reply danced around Romney’s accusation: “this … unelected board that we’ve created — what this is, is a group of health care experts, doctors, et cetera, to figure out how we can reduce the cost of care in the system overall.” [ref]

How do you reduce the cost of care? You ration it. You “tell people, ultimately, what kind of treatments they can have.”

Overwhelming Evidence of an Agenda

In his State of the Union Address the other night, Obama drew guffaws and laughter when he said “I know that there are those who disagree with the overwhelming scientific evidence for climate change, but…”

I like to think that the reaction to that statement was from people who couldn’t believe how ridiculous it was.

Continue reading “Overwhelming Evidence of an Agenda”

Book Review of The Forsaken

PictureTwenty-eight chapters. Three hundred and sixty four pages. Seven hundred bibliography entries. One thousand one hundred and nineteen footnotes.

These numbers are significant. They are the result of hard work. They are proof of scholarship. Above all, they are evidence of atrocity. Of brutality, despotism, torture, and mass murder the likes of which the world had never known until the twentieth century and its ghastly embrace of Marxism.
Nine thousand. Forty thousand. One hundred and fifty thousand. Two hundred thousand. Three hundred thousand. These are the estimated body counts in just a few of the hundreds of mass graves dug by Lenin, Stalin, and their equally soulless henchmen. Millions of innocent human beings suffered and died miserably, of starvation, exposure, torture and execution, beneath the bloody iron fist of a movement that pretended to “liberate” but instead vigorously fostered widespread brutality, slavery and death behind an iron curtain of lies and deceit.